24 April 2020

ANZAC day for pets

3 20/4/20  

Hi this is Kimberly and I am holding Blondey.
Blondey has been living with me since I was 2 years old and she is going to die soon. Here is a picture of her and me.

Here is the rest of the chickens.
Blondey is old and Blondey has heaps of colours. 
 Browney is light brown and dark brown.
 Blondey blond When it rains her  feathers squash up together.
 Backy has a black beak. 
Bubbles Somehow bubbles got  2 baby chickens off of Blackie the mother and now she is the mother.
Coley has feathers what stick up
Icing can get muddy very fast if she plays in the mud.
Fluffy and fluff are twins.
 Fluff  and fluffy has black eyes.
 Oreo Oreo was fully black then she was black and orange.
Snowy Mountain snowy snow is so fast and small and she is a silkie.
 Rose speckled grey white black on her 
 Snowy Mountain is whiter than all the other chickens.
 Snowy Brown copies Snowy mountain
Bluey  is one of the rarest chicken.

Here are most of the chickens.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kimberly, what a nice introduction to all of your chickens! I can tell you are very observant and notice the different details about each of them. I bet you've provided a good home for Blondey's long life. Do you have any roosters or just hens?


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